Financial Analysis and Control Course and Training

Training in Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Analysis, Control.

Aim of the program:
The program Strenton – Financial Analysis and Control aims to provide you with an understanding of the financial statements, to be able to work with various reports, analyzes and metrics so that you can effectively control every business and make adequate management decisions.

Why the training is important
Every successful manager will tell you that the understanding of the finance is an important prerequisite for managing a business, company or department effectively. A large part of management decisions are made precisely on the basis of the analysis of the information stated in the financial statements.

Strenton Academy – intensive training in financial analysis

The problem
However, most of the information is understandable only to people who have university education in accounting or finance, and very often the literature written about this discipline is difficult to understand and follow. Thus, people are deprived of the opportunity to learn personally and effectively to control the activities of the organization they work for.

Misunderstanding of the financial indicators and trends can have many negative consequences. If you do not understand the information presented in the financial statements, reports and analyzes, you will not be effective and the decisions you make can significantly impede or impair the functioning of the company. If you don’t have good knowledge in this area, you can easily lose the confidence that your managers and colleagues have voted for you, and they can begin to doubt your abilities of knowledgeable and capable people. With the training you will avoid all this.

The Strenton solution
The Strenton training will make you competent and understanding what the numbers in the financial statements mean and what stands behind them. You will learn how to control the business you work for or own.

    • This will help you to quickly orientate in a new business or situation. Also, you will acquire confidence and competence in decision making.
    • You will know what to do when the financial indicators are negative, you will understand what this is due to, and you will be able to take timely actions to solve the problems occurred.
    • You will be able to exercise control to ensure the financial security of the business you are working for or own.

Strenton Academy – interpretation of financial statements, company control

After completing the training

    • You will be able to take control of the business of a company.
    • You will understand what the current state of the company is. And you will also be able to make predictions about its future development.
    • You will know the best practices for financial analysis and control. This will ensure the smooth functioning of the company.
    • You will be able to find weaknesses in the business and to take actions to fix them.
    • You will learn how to improve the performance of the company and its various departments.

The training includes many examples, analyzes and visualizations that will give you a better understanding and that you can use directly in practice.

Some of the topics included in the training are:

    • Analysis of financial statements
    • Financial ratios
    • Revenue and expense analysis
    • Sales analysis
    • Budgeting and forecasting

Training duration
24 class hours /each class hour is 40 min./
The duration of the program is three weeks.

Time of the classes
1st option: Saturday and Sunday – from 9:00 to 12:00 /4 class hours per day/.
2nd option: Saturday and Sunday – from 14:00 to 17:00 /4 class hours per day/.
3rd option: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – from 19:00 to 21:30 /3 class hours per day/.

295 EUR

Signing up
You can request your participation by phone: +359 887 01 12 01 or by email:
Strenton Academy welcomes you!

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Strenton Academy - Financial Control and Analysis of Financial Statement